Brand identity, packaging design & artwork
When we first looked at Gosh! in 2015, the "free-from" category was worthy and joyless, prescriptive and functional. Consumers were assumed to be dietary restricted and products were smothered in tick lists. Our purpose was to make Gosh! appeal to all by celebrating the wonderful goodness of natural vegetables and pulses and the incredible feeling it gives to eat well and feel well, and not have to restrict but feel generous.
To inject some much needed joy to a rather dull fixture we 'spread some sunshine' through a radiant sun identity that expressed the uplifting and joyful benefits of the brand. Gloriously playful, with birds made from vegetables and a naturally vibrant colour palette, Gosh! definitely brightened up the category but continues to stand out both literally for consumers and in terms of its success.
Achieved immediate listings in over 500 Tesco stores, and then further listings in Morrisons, Asda and Ocado. Extended the range from 5 to 29 sku's in 2018.
"I'd recommend Rylands Brand Design at the drop of a hat...or should that be vegetable?! Intelligent, thoughtful, insightful design. An absolute joy to work with and the result is, Gosh! what can I say, outstanding! Our new Gosh! range has amazing shelf stand out in a very busy category and products are leaping off the shelf"
Jane Rayner, CEO